If you want to make food quickly, then a sandwich would be one of the best choices for you. Sandwiches are easy to make and can be made in very less time.
Many students and adults prefer sandwiches for their lunch box. Many adults, especially who work on a hectic schedule, have less time to prepare and eat their food. Due to shortage of time, they make sandwiches because they can eat them anywhere and on the go.
Because of this ease, we ignore the health part of sandwiches. Unconsciously, we are aware that sandwiches are not that healthy.
Sandwiches which are made up of cold cut and poultry are not very healthful because they contain calories, fat, and sugar in excess.
To understand the impact of sandwiches on health, a group conducted research. This research aimed to find, how much calorie, fat, and sodium do we consume with each sandwich?
To do their research, they set a group of people. It was two-day research. On the first day, the participants were asked to eat a sandwich. On the second day, they were allowed to eat the food of their choice. Then, the difference between calories on both days was analyzed.
They found that the calorie intake was more on the first day when they ate a sandwich. The difference was around 100 calories. Also, the amount of sodium, sugar, and fat was higher on first day than second.
The research found out the sandwich was not as healthy as people believed.
One of the researchers commented, “people do not know how much calories they intake with a sandwich”. He referred to a research which was conducted in 2013. It proved that many people thought they intake less calorie than they actually do.
So, does it mean that you should avoid eating your favorite dish? A big NO.
There are many ways which can make your sandwich healthier. We are sharing a few tips which can make your sandwiches fresh and healthy.
Below are some ways which should be followed:
- Choose fresh slices of meat. This process cuts down the amount of sodium and fats in your sandwich. People mostly use cold cut meat because it is an easy sandwich filling. But research says that, “these cold cut meat have fat and sodium which are, of course, not good for health.” So, avoid them and use fresh meat.
- Do not overload the cheese in a sandwich. Use a decent amount. Excess amount of cheese can make a healthy sandwich unhealthy.
- Use a good amount of fruits and vegetables in the sandwiches. This will cut the calories and maintain the fiber & nutrients.
Above are the options which you can follow only if you are making sandwich at home.
What if you are eating it at a restaurant or making an order online?
There are only a few best restaurants in Toronto which care about your health.
Haida sandwich is one among them. It is one of the most trusted restaurants in Toronto. It offers halal food in Toronto.
The parameters of Haida Sandwich are world-class. It not only makes tasty and delicious sandwiches but healthy as well.
If you are in Toronto and craving for a tasty and healthy sandwich then Haida Sandwich is for you. Either you can visit their store in Toronto or can order food online from their website; https://www.haidasandwich.ca/toronto/.
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